Saturday, 31 August 2013

Simulating Gravity In Pi-Space On a Computer

The model for Gravity in Pi-Space is pretty straight-forward.  We have a Local Layer and we have a Non-Local layer.  The Non-Local layer contains field points which are smaller than the Planck length.  Therefore we need a software solution which models 3D space having Non Local Pi-Shells which are smaller than Local ones.  In a simulation, they do not need to be smaller than the Planck length but they do need to be smaller than the local Pi-Shells and they need to create a 3d Fabric.  The Local Pi-Shells then move towards the place where the Non Local Pi-Shells are the smallest.  They also change the size of the Local Pi-Shells.  Smaller Pi-Shells are designed to move faster.  They need to also store a vector component.   

For example, if we model any object in the simulation, we need to assign Pi-Shells to it.  For computational efficiency on a weak computer, we make the Local Pi-Shells reasonably large.  For a powerful computer we can make them smaller.  Therefore the object contains these Local Pi-Shells and they influence the direction it moves in and how it reacts to gravity.  In reality, the Atoms do this job and everything is mostly contained by them; so they are one and the same thing.  On a computer system where we have limited processing power, we need to be judicious what size local Pi-Shell we pick.  Therefore we may have an object containing a limited number of them but spanning and containing the object.

In terms of specifics, copying Earth gravity for example, all one needs to do is ensure that the Non Local Field Points  get smaller (lose area) in the direction of COG by 9.8/C^2 for every Meter we move in the direction of the centre of Gravity.

If we take an example of a cube of Field Point space we can make the Field points smaller as we move to the base of the object.  Therefore it we place an object inside this Field Point space, it will move down to the base of the object, accelerating as it moves down.

It does this by becoming slightly smaller.  The constant area change translates into an increased velocity and should match what happens in reality. 

We can also give the Local Pi-Shells their own clock tick which is proportional to the diameter size and then we have the equivalent of Proper Time.

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