Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Fields and General Relativity Approach

I think I have a reasonable handle on General Relativity now in terms of the Four Vector approach and the Minkowsky Pseudo Riemann space using curved tensors.  Now then...

The idea is not to reverse engineer every aspect of General Relativity right the way down to the Christoffel Symbols sub-calculations and the Einstein summation notation.  Dare I say it, that's "just detail" but I will explain what a Four Vector is and Proper time etc; but I won't be deriving the Schwarzchild Metric (my brain hurts just thinking about this in GR), however I will offer a Pi-Space equivalent to Proper Time and the Four Vector for example and all the rest like modeling a black hole etc;....

What I will reverse engineer are the important concepts and map them to Pi-Space ones.  However, this must be done gradually.  I have built up a biggish list but each are "bite sized chunks".

So I will start with the Four-Vector and how Einstein built from this a version of Curved Space which is the accepted version of how Gravity works and show how to get the same answer from a Pi-Shell moving in a field of acceleration etc;

I will then propose a wave based model which will theoretically offer the same "feature set" so-to-speak and will be based on a Wave based field format inhabited by Pi-Shells of varying sizes.

Additionally, why would one use Pi-Space at all?

Well from what I see, on initial inspection, one should be able to model from the "very big to the very small" using the Pi-Space approach.  Mostly, as I understand it, GR is good at the "big stuff"/cosmology and it works quite well but is more challenging on the small stuff.

Also Pi-Space will be pretty easy to use.  There will be no non linear partial differential equations nightmare...  I base this statement on the work I did on Navier Stokes where I had an energy and velocity formulation.

There will be an approach to least time as well in competition with the Geodesic approach.

All things going well, I will start on this at the weekend (unless I get confused about General Relativity again ;-) ).

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