Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Initial Thoughts on P vs NP Question In Pi-Space

This is a big question because it deals with how one can solve difficult problems in a short period of time.  One of the questions which I do dwell on and which Newton just ignored was the speed at which a Gravity field propagates.  As a local wave it has maximum speed C.  However, I have formulated Mass as an Ng(1) wave which is non local.  Therefore, the mass based Gravity field Ng(1) is calculated before the actual Ng(0) appears.  So what I would like to do is describe how reality figures out how to solve NP problems like calculate all the Gravity fields in reality so that those inside it do not have to wait for an externity for it to be figured out and it is done evenly (namely, Gravity works at the same rate in one place compared to another).  Therefore if we understand this we can build Quantum Computers to take advatage of the Pi-Space "Reality Architecture" and we can solve difficult problems like this too.  In practical terms, we want a SPAAD (Spooky Action At A Distance) architecture using Non-Local "worker" waves Nx(1++) is how I see it at present.

So for me the question is not "Is P = NP?"

The real question is "How does reality solve NP problems and how can we take advantage of this?"


So the Solution is

P != NP

And Pi-Space Reality gets around this by using the Wave Within Wave Architecture.

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