Thursday, 31 January 2013

Errata and Super Fluids

The PDF will contain fixes for typos in the blog

I still have to do Super Fluidity which I will do next (forgot this one)

Once this is done, I'll update the PDF

Also, I'll update the Advanced Formulas section after this with the Pi-Space approach to Temperature and Super Conductivity

Cooper Pairs, BCS And Type I Conductors

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Final Pieces For Temperature And Super Conductivity

I want to cover

Magnetic Flux Lines in Super Conductors

BCS Theory

Once this is done, I'll see if there is any more I want to cover.

Right now, I think these are the final pieces for this Chapter.

After this, I'll look into "Fields And General Relativity"

Added a Small Intro To Temperature And Super Conductivity

I've added a small intro section to Temperature and Super Conductivity explaining what the document contains.

I also added some examples of Feynman diagrams to the Advanced Formulas doc.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Latest Additions To Advanced Formula PDF

I've updated the Advanced Formulas and the Temperature and Super Conductivity

-Added Wave within Wave breakdown for the different forces.

After this, I'll add the Wave within Wave diagrams to the Advanced Formulas Doc.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Added P != NP to the Advanced Formulas

I've added the P != NP to the Advanced Formulas doc/pdf.

Next, I'll work on a table for the Wave Within Wave piece to summarize the results.

It'll be done in the next few days all things going well.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Next Improvements To The Advanced Formulas

I want to add the P != NP piece to the Advanced section

I also want to add a table relating to Ne(x) and Nm(x) plus Ng(x) and Nt(x) to the Advanced Section.

In Classical Terms

Electric and Magnetic defn

Gravity and Turbulence defn

This adds the latest improvements to overall architecture doc.

Once I do this, I want to return to my PodCast and get the next episode out.

Videos Uploaded now

I've uploaded my videos to my new channel.

I think this is the url for this.

This is based on thepispacephysicstheory account.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Thought For The Day

I may add the P != NP approach to the Advanced Formulas section later this week.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

P vs NP updates to PDF

PDFs are updated

P vs NP in Pi-Space
Thoretical Quantum Computer Approach

After this I will return to Type II Super Conductors

Super Conductor magnetic flux
BCS Super Conductor approach

Note: I am almost done reinstating the links on the right hand rail.

Also I updated the Carousel doc to reflect moved videos and new blog name.

They are in a dedicated folder related to the physics theory now which is better imo.

Over time I'll re-upload the videos.  I kept all the important ones.

It's a bit slow but I'll get it done.....

Friday, 11 January 2013

Quantum Computer in Pi-Space

In Pi-Space, we model local waves as Nx(0) and Non Local waves as Nx(1++).  The Non Local waves operate out of time relative to the Local Nx(0) waves.  Therefore, each wave set can be represented as a Hamiltonian.  In order to process NP problems efficiently using this design pattern, one needs to assign Computability tasks to the Ne(1++) wave layer.  Therefore this can be viewed as a Non Local Hamiltonian.  These are the waves deeper than the Electric Wave and Gravity wave.  I have already covered these in the Standard Model reverse engineering section.

Next: Type II Super Conductors (Fluxion Wave pools)

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Coming Soon

Next I'd like to cover (all things going well),

P vs NP described in Pi-Space
High Level Overview of a Quantum Computer In Pi-Space

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Initial Thoughts on P vs NP Question In Pi-Space

This is a big question because it deals with how one can solve difficult problems in a short period of time.  One of the questions which I do dwell on and which Newton just ignored was the speed at which a Gravity field propagates.  As a local wave it has maximum speed C.  However, I have formulated Mass as an Ng(1) wave which is non local.  Therefore, the mass based Gravity field Ng(1) is calculated before the actual Ng(0) appears.  So what I would like to do is describe how reality figures out how to solve NP problems like calculate all the Gravity fields in reality so that those inside it do not have to wait for an externity for it to be figured out and it is done evenly (namely, Gravity works at the same rate in one place compared to another).  Therefore if we understand this we can build Quantum Computers to take advatage of the Pi-Space "Reality Architecture" and we can solve difficult problems like this too.  In practical terms, we want a SPAAD (Spooky Action At A Distance) architecture using Non-Local "worker" waves Nx(1++) is how I see it at present.

So for me the question is not "Is P = NP?"

The real question is "How does reality solve NP problems and how can we take advantage of this?"


So the Solution is

P != NP

And Pi-Space Reality gets around this by using the Wave Within Wave Architecture.

Temperature and Super Conductivity Updates

I've updated the PDF with the changes I highlighted before


I refer to Nm(0) for Magnetic Field as opposed to Nm(1) in the blog.  Nm(0) is the Local Magnetic Field.

I'll do a little more research on P vs NP.  Mostly, this will be a "high level overview" of how to create a Quantum Computer using the Pi-Space theory wave within wave idea.

To do this properly, I would need a dedicated section but it's not the right time at present.  Temperature And Super Conductivity takes precedence.

After this I'd like to cover Einstein's General Relativity.