Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Updates to the Docs
I have permanently deleted the ElectricityAndMagnetism doc/pdf for the moment as this was legacy and deprecated. This is covered in the Quantum and Advanced Quantum Doc.
Note: I've figured out Temperature and Super Conductivity at a high level in my mind and I can explain why, for example, Helium enters another state according to Pi-Space. It'll tally with and extend current understandings. I'll publish some work on it in detail in the next few days.
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Ongoing Cleanup - Next Topic
This will be rudimentary but should work and I will link to the Source Code for it.
This will be done in parallel to the Temperature / Superconductivity piece.
I will try and make Clean Up an "always on" process.
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Initial Thoughts On Super Conductivity BCS
My initial thoughts are that there are many properties covered under two words: Temperature and SuperConductivity
I'll look into breaking this down into its constitiuent parts proper
Electric-Charge effect
Gravity-Mass effect
Particle Effect
Field/Boson Effect
I also want try and define clearly "What is temperature in Pi-Space?"
I'll map it to the wave-within-wave notation and show at what level it belongs.
Hint: Present thinking is that there is Electrical Temperature, Particle Temperature and Field Temperature. All combine to form our concept of hot and cold. All are essentially waves at the respective Nx(0) layer.
I will build this Superconductivity approach based on my Standard Model work. Therefore I will extend the wave-within-wave model.
More later.
BCS Nobel Winners
John Bardeen, Leon Neil Cooper, and John Robert Schrieffer (BCS) in 1957
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Back to Super Conductivity And Temperature
1. There is the effect of Temperature on a Particle (and its Area/Energy)
2. And there is the effect of Temperature on the Wave Function itself producing Super Conductors
This will take a little while.
I'll work through the dependencies first in particular - Boltzmann
Once these are done Super Conductivity should be "reasonably" straight forward. (famous last words)
Ludwig Boltzmann 1844 - 1906
Advanced Formulas Update
The Formulas html page also reflects this.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Next Venturi Flow Calcs
Theory is all good and well but I would really like folks to be able to calculate with this theory reasonably easily/accurately.
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Sample Pitot Calculation in Pi-Space
ArcCos[1 - (((psi)/(0.002297))/(983571056^2))]]*983571056, {psi, 1,
30, 1}]
{29.3127, 41.4544, 50.7711, 58.6254, 65.5452, 71.8012, 77.5541, \
82.9088, 87.9381, 93.8464, 98.3178, 102.594, 106.7, 110.653, 114.47, \
118.163, 121.745, 125.224, 128.609, 131.907, 135.125, 138.268, \
141.341, 144.348, 147.295, 150.183, 153.017, 155.799, 159.209, \
Table[Sqrt[2*(psi)/(0.002297)], {psi, 1, 30, 1}]
{29.5076, 41.7301, 51.1087, 59.0153, 65.9811, 72.2787, 78.0699, \
83.4602, 88.5229, 93.3114, 97.8658, 102.217, 106.391, 110.407, \
114.283, 118.031, 121.663, 125.19, 128.621, 131.962, 135.221, \
138.403, 141.514, 144.557, 147.538, 150.46, 153.326, 156.14, 158.904, \
Tuesday, 9 October 2012
Coming next
Also, I'll do a video on "Evolution of Ideas In Pi-Space" to show the steps to get to the Advanced Formulas and Beyond
This is targeted for the weekend
My current PodCast episode is launched so I'll have a little more time for this.
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Friday, 5 October 2012
Newton's Law Video update
I'll try to do more updates moving forward once my Podcast is launched.
One of the clean up tasks I would like to do is do an example of an actual Pitot/Venturi calculation.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Newton's Laws Cleaned Up
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Moving the Pi Space Physics Theory in to its own domain
That domain will be called
I would like to break free from older domain which has served its purpose as an incubator location.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
More cleanup coming
The next candidate for clean up are the Newtonian Laws.
I need to improve this as I want to map well established logical Newtonian ideas to the Pi-Space realm.
The planned date is next week.
I am hoping to have my Podcast Episode done by next week and begin work on the newer pieces.
Pitot and Venturi Formula Derivation In Pi-Space Video
I realize I need to provide a few worked examples. It's on my list.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Next video on the way
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Bernoulli's Principle Video In Pi-Space
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Video Before Super Conductivity
My main focus is on my Podcast (other project) at the moment.
It'll be quiet here for a little while.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
What's Next... ?
Super Conductivity.
Meissner effect.
Bose-Einstein Condensate.
Formalizing the Field using the WaveWithinWave notation.
PDF Updated
-Planar Rig
-Carousel without slugs behavior
It's important to emphasize to see a moving liquid as a "liquid force". That is to say, it's one of the best ways to project force and manipulate it according to the Pi-Space Theory.
Mostly people underestimate the power of a moving liquid, for example in storms you sometimes see folks swept off their feet by fast moving water, trying to wade across it. The reason for this a lot of the time is we innately underestimate the power of a moving liquid. Liquids can carry a tremendous amount of force. They are efficient carriers of force.
Final point for now on this is that the lift is where the upward moving liquid strikes the lid of the container. You want to force the liquid to go straight up. Brute force. ----
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Carousel Planar Rig Idea
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Diagrams Tomorrow Then I'm Done With This Piece
Then I'm done with this and PDF will follow.
The Requirement for Slugs In The Carousel
The answer is
1. There is a small amout of lift which tops out at a fixed RPM
2. As one increases RPMs the Carousel becomes unstable and starts to rotate a lot
3. The central point where the paddle is spinning evacuates all the water and almost spins without liquid
Therefore, we need the Slugs to keep the water circulating up and back into the center where the paddle is and complete the cycle.
Also the rotational energy is less with slugs.
Saturday, 1 September 2012
Next Steps Skunkworks
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Pi-Space Skunkworks PDF Carousel Doc
It's in the right rail.
It's first draft at present.
Note: I just updated it to include the Carousel with the Slugs. They were missing in the first draft.
Saturday, 25 August 2012
One more post on the Skunkworks piece and then I'm back to the theory proper
1. Spinning on its own. To stabilize we'll need to extend the width of it. Mostly I see this as the least sophisticated design.
2. Coming up with a design where it's not spinning but lifting. So we need two; Spin + Counter Spin on either end to cancel one another. Separate them and one can theoretically store some stuff (possibly people plus equipment) between them.
Also, I'll propose general improvements to my prototype. I don't have the resources or the time (and maybe even the engineering skills) to pull this off. But maybe someone else does and can either prove or disprove the idea. The core elements are in the demo just to prove the principle.
Then that's it. I'll pull this together into a single PDF and be back to the the Theory "Proper".
This will be called the "Pi-Space Skunkworks 'Brady Carousel' Design Paper".