Wednesday 24 October 2012

Updates to the Docs

I've added Navier Stokes formulas (energy/velocity) to the Advanced Pi-Space Formulas doc/pdf, based on the Quantum Doc work.

I have permanently deleted the ElectricityAndMagnetism doc/pdf for the moment as this was legacy and deprecated.  This is covered in the Quantum and Advanced Quantum Doc.

Note: I've figured out Temperature and Super Conductivity at a high level in my mind and I can explain why, for example, Helium enters another state according to Pi-Space.  It'll tally with and extend current understandings.  I'll publish some work on it in detail in the next few days.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Ongoing Cleanup - Next Topic

I'd like to add a working Java Applet to the Theory where folks can put values in and see what the a Pi-Space orbit looks like. 

This will be rudimentary but should work and I will link to the Source Code for it. 

This will be done in parallel to the Temperature / Superconductivity piece.

 I will try and make Clean Up an "always on" process.

Saturday 20 October 2012

Initial Thoughts On Super Conductivity BCS

I'll start taking a look at the BCS Theory of Super Conductivity.  I need to acquaint myself with the ideas.

My initial thoughts are that there are many properties covered under two words: Temperature and SuperConductivity

I'll look into breaking this down into its constitiuent parts proper

Electric-Charge effect

Gravity-Mass effect

Particle Effect

Field/Boson Effect

I also want try and define clearly "What is temperature in Pi-Space?"

I'll map it to the wave-within-wave notation and show at what level it belongs.

Hint: Present thinking is that there is Electrical Temperature, Particle Temperature and Field Temperature.  All combine to form our concept of hot and cold.  All are essentially waves at the respective Nx(0) layer.

I will build this Superconductivity approach based on my Standard Model work.  Therefore I will extend the wave-within-wave model.

More later.

BCS Nobel Winners

John Bardeen, Leon Neil Cooper, and John Robert Schrieffer (BCS) in 1957

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Back to Super Conductivity And Temperature

I'd like to take a look at temperature next as it is related to Super Conductivity.

1. There is the effect of Temperature on a Particle (and its Area/Energy)

2. And there is the effect of Temperature on the Wave Function itself producing Super Conductors

This will take a little while.

I'll work through the dependencies first in particular -  Boltzmann

Once these are done Super Conductivity should be "reasonably" straight forward.   (famous last words)

Ludwig Boltzmann 1844 - 1906

Advanced Formulas Update

The Advanced Formulas docs now includes the work of Bernoulli in particular Venturi and Pitot formulas with a worked example for pressure.  This is an important next step for the calculations side of the theory.

The Formulas html page also reflects this.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Next Venturi Flow Calcs

I'll do a Venturi flow formula example next and add this (plus Pitot) to the advanced formulas once that is done.  Therefore, I'll add fluid equations based on the work of Daniel Bernoulli which makes the equations more rounded / complete from an engineering perspective.

Theory is all good and well but I would really like folks to be able to calculate with this theory reasonably easily/accurately.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Sample Pitot Calculation in Pi-Space

Let’s do a simple calculation to solve for velocity knowing pressure.  In Pi-Space, Energy is an area loss of a Pi-Shell.  Velocity is a diameter line change.

Pressure is an energy calculation and is therefore an area loss.

We use an imperial system example

Where we have PSI

Let’s take an example where the dynamic pressure is 1.040 lb/ft^2

Also the density of air is 0.002297 slug/ft^3

Using the classic formula, Using Mathematica

Sqrt[2(1.04)/(0.002297)] = 30.092 ft/s

Now let’s use the Pi-Space formula

This formula requires that we use the speed of light in feet per second

the speed of light = 983,571,056 foot per second

Sin[ArcCos[1 - (((1.04)/(0.002297))/(983571056^2))]]*983571056 = 29.3127

Now we can see this is not the same as the Classical Result.

The Pi-Space Theory maintains that this is a “more accurate” result than the classical approach.

The Classical Approach is just an approximation.

Let’s make Pi-Space match the Classical approach.

For the speed of light, we set it to 9835710 foot per  second (incorrect!) instead of 983571056 foot per second

Sin[ArcCos[1 - (((1.04)/(0.002297))/(9835710^2))]]*9835710 = 30.092

Therefore, the more accurate the speed of light calculation, the more accurate the Pitot Velocity result in the Pi-Space Theory and it diverges from the Classical Result.

Note: This would have to be proven/disproven by actual experimentation.  I do not have the equipment for this.

Here is a table showing the range of values which are approximate to one another.

   ArcCos[1 - (((psi)/(0.002297))/(983571056^2))]]*983571056, {psi, 1,
   30, 1}]

{29.3127, 41.4544, 50.7711, 58.6254, 65.5452, 71.8012, 77.5541, \
82.9088, 87.9381, 93.8464, 98.3178, 102.594, 106.7, 110.653, 114.47, \
118.163, 121.745, 125.224, 128.609, 131.907, 135.125, 138.268, \
141.341, 144.348, 147.295, 150.183, 153.017, 155.799, 159.209, \

Table[Sqrt[2*(psi)/(0.002297)], {psi, 1, 30, 1}]

{29.5076, 41.7301, 51.1087, 59.0153, 65.9811, 72.2787, 78.0699, \
83.4602, 88.5229, 93.3114, 97.8658, 102.217, 106.391, 110.407, \
114.283, 118.031, 121.663, 125.19, 128.621, 131.962, 135.221, \
138.403, 141.514, 144.557, 147.538, 150.46, 153.326, 156.14, 158.904, \

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Coming next

I'll do a Pitot Calculation showing how to use Psi and Pascals.

Also, I'll do a video on "Evolution of Ideas In Pi-Space" to show the steps to get to the Advanced Formulas and Beyond

This is targeted for the weekend

My current PodCast episode is launched so I'll have a little more time for this.

Friday 5 October 2012

Newton's Law Video update

I'll do the video at the weekend.

I'll try to do more updates moving forward once my Podcast is launched.

One of the clean up tasks I would like to do is do an example of an actual Pitot/Venturi calculation.